

This is the home of the Depeche protocol.

Depeche is a personal messaging protocol that enables communication even when the Internet is not available - At the same time offering anonymity and confidentiality for both sender and receiver. All at the small cost of reliability!

For an implementation of the protocol, see DeDe

Use cases

For use when the internet is broken. Maybe an extended power-outage, maybe a natural disaster such as a flood or earthquake, maybe a man made outage due to war, terror attack or government shutdown, maybe just poverty or poor telephone coverage.

It is not for instant messaging, sending streaming data or surfing the web with low latency. By its very nature, latency is high and message delivery is up to either deliberate relay or good fortune.

There are also a few scenarios that illustrate how Depeche can be used.

How it works

The broad overview is that each participaring device (henceforth called a node) in the Depeche network may generate messages. These messages are encrypted and addressed to another node and then passed from node to node until it (hopefully) reaches its destination.

In order to bootstrap participation in the Depeche network, an operation called a rendezvous is needed. During the rendezvous, your own addresses get known by at least one other node and can thence be distributed to other node operators that may wish to contact you.

To conceal both sender and recipient, a system of one-time-addresses is used. Participants exchange lists of these in the shape of address pads that are then used up over time. The one-time nature of the addresses and the fact that only the sender and recipient knows them make the protocol resistant to traffic analysis.

Messages are transferred promiscously - The reproduction cost of data is so close to zero that this is affordable. This means that routing or message paths are not available for anaysis either. The downside is that messages may easily get lost and never reach their intended recipient.

An example of use

Alain wants to sent a depeche to a friend of his, Célestin, whom he rarely gets to meet. Alain and Célestin have previously met and performed a rendezvous, so they have a store of each other addresses. They have a common friend, Berthe, whom they both meet regularly and who is also a Depeche user. Alain first composes his message and when he next meets Berthe, he asks her to exchange messages. When Berthe next meets with Célestin and exchange messages, Alain’s message will reach Célestin.

If Alain has no friend that he can rely on to relay his message, an option would be to just keep exchanging messages with anyone available, in the hopes that the message will find its way to Célestin. It might, but Alain can never be really sure until he receives a reply.

Threat models

The protocol is intended primarily for use in non-hostile environments, such as during emergencies or generally poor internet connectivity. In this kind of environment, the primary threats are third parties interested in reading, modifying or interrupting individual communications: A nosy neighbour, a business competitor, a creditor, a disgruntled relative etc.

For this kind of threat, the protocol offers anonymity of both sender and recipient. This means that a third party cannot be sure of either origin or recipient, and hence cannot reliably interrupt communications by other means than refusing to relay messages. Message encryption means that the message payload cannot be eavesdropped or modified - A modified message would be indecipherable even if the third party were to know the sender and recipient.

In hostile, high threat environments - such as under a repressive regime, the protocol can also be used. The same protections as in the non-hostile situation applies, but in this case even posession of encrypted messages might be a punishable offence. Extreme care needs to be excercised, especially when it comes to rendezvous, which generally requires close physical proximity of the participants. The protocol in itself is hence not enough to protect users in hostile environments - A very high level of operational security needs to be maintained.

When usage of Depece faces adversaries, denial of service is a real threat - The easiest way to affect that is through message flooding. This will force nodes to reject messages due to filling of storage buffers. In order to combat this, some form of message priority is needed. There are currently three different methods envisioned - They will be detailed at a later stage:

  • Circle-of-friends (suitable for use by private persons)
  • Trust hierarchy (suitable for use by organisations)
  • Voice servers (suitable when trusted third party is available)

Technical overview

The protocol consist of several parts, some of them form the “core” protocol, others parts are meant to facilitate special cases or specialized usage.

Message format

The message format itself forms the kernel of the protocol. A message transmitted through use of the Depeche protocol (henceforth called a depeche, in order to differentiate from other types of messages) is formatted as a JSON structure with a few headers and an encrypted payload. The encrypted payload can be decrypted by a recipient node and the contents should be a MIME-formatted message. The MIME payload is usually a multipart message. Some message types form their own part of the Depeche protocol.

For a detailed specification, see the message format specification


A fundamental part of the bootstrapping of a nodes participation in exchanging depeches is the rendezvous. Rendezvous is envisioned as possible over several different carrier protocols, but at present, the only well specified such method is over a local network through UDP and TCP/IP - It’s called the naive protocol.

Message exchange

Exchanging depeches among nodes is the fundamental way of transporting information through the Depeche network. Message exchange can occur in many ways - Currently the specifications support mutual exchange over TCP by two typically non-server nodes, but other models are certainly possible. Examples might include:

  • Handover of USB sticks
  • One-way radio transmissions
  • General HTTP or FTP transfer

Carrier protocols

Depeche is designed to be usable in many different circumstances, using different hardware and communications capabilities. Carrier protocols are the underlying communications methods that nodes may use to connect to each other. Though TCP and UDP are currently the only carrier protocols that have specifications for how to do rendezvous and exchange, other possibilities might include:

  • Bluetooth
  • NFC
  • Audio modem
  • Camera-and-screen (typically using mobile phones with high-res cameras and screens using QR codes)
  • IrDA
  • VHF radio

Current state

The current state of the protocol is that the basic functionality has been specified and that this is covered by a reference implementation, DeDe has been coded in Python. The current operations are:

  • Rendezvous on a local TCP network, such as WiFi or ethernet
  • Message exchange among nodes on a local network
  • Forwarding of node addresses (own or foreign) via messages

Areas of improvement

The protocol is still very much a work in progress and there are many ways in which it might be improved and extended. This is just a taste of what remains:

  • Message priority schemes (mitigates flooding DOS attacks)
  • Message signing (might be good or bad, depending on circumstances)
  • Internet support (when the Internet is available, make use of common carrier protocols such as HTTP)
  • Signing of messages and letters of recommendation (increasing trust in the senders and reducing risk of MITM attacks)
  • Persistent addresses (for use in initiating communication without rendezvous, though this has other risks and trust issues)